Bytecoin vs Monero

October 12, 2021

Bytecoin vs Monero

Are you confused about which privacy-oriented cryptocurrency to choose - Bytecoin or Monero? Both Bytecoin and Monero are popular privacy cryptos, but they have some differences. In this post, we will objectively compare Bytecoin and Monero to help you decide which one is right for you.


Bytecoin (BCN) is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that was launched in 2012. It uses the CryptoNote protocol for its transactions, which is a privacy-centric protocol that is designed to make the transactions untraceable. It also has military-grade encryption for its transactions, making it impossible to decipher.


  • Maximum supply: 184.47 billion
  • Block time: 120 seconds
  • Transaction fee: 0.001 BCN


Monero (XMR) is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that was launched in 2014. It uses the Cryptonight Proof of Work algorithm for its transactions, which is designed to be ASIC-resistant, making it ideal for CPU and GPU mining. It also offers ring signatures, which make it impossible to trace the transactions.


  • Maximum supply: Uncapped
  • Block time: 120 seconds
  • Transaction fee: 0.000027 XMR


Now, let's compare Bytecoin and Monero in various aspects:


Both Bytecoin and Monero are privacy-oriented cryptocurrencies, but Monero is considered more private due to its use of ring signatures. Ring signatures mix the spender's inputs with a group of others, making it difficult to trace the transactions.


Bytecoin and Monero both use different proof-of-work algorithms. While Bytecoin uses CryptoNote, Monero uses Cryptonight, which is designed to be ASIC-resistant. This means that Monero can be easily mined by using a CPU or GPU, while Bytecoin can be mined by ASICs that are specifically designed to mine Cryptonote coins.

Transaction fees

Bytecoin has a flat transaction fee of 0.001 BCN, while Monero has a dynamic transaction fee that depends on the congestion of the network. On average, the transaction fee for Monero is lower than that of Bytecoin.


When it comes to privacy, Monero is the clear winner due to its use of ring signatures. On the other hand, Bytecoin can be mined more efficiently by ASICs, making it ideal for miners. In terms of transaction fees, Monero is the winner due to its dynamic fee structure.

Ultimately, the choice between Bytecoin and Monero depends on your specific needs. If you are a miner, Bytecoin may be a better choice for you. If you value privacy more, then Monero is the clear winner.


  1. Bytecoin FAQ
  2. Monero FAQ

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